jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

 Spanish-style bullfighting is practic in Spain, where it originates, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru. In traditional bullfighting, three bullfighters, also called killers or, in French, toréadors, each fight two out of a total of six fighting bulls.
Firstly, I think that is a too horrible form of entertainment because you can pass funny moments
without kill an animal. The poor bull die slowly while the bullfighter bathes in applause. That is a barbarity for our century and this have to finish now.

On the other hand, some people thiks that is art and a very good metod for entertainment. They like to see to other person kill and an animal and later have the sweetie of the public.

In my opinion I think that is a barbarity and it have to finish rigth now.

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